
December: Daily Standing up for Standing Rock

Rev. Karen Brammer, Standing Rock, part 12

Last night I sat in on a conference call sponsored by Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) - the Standing Rock Solidarity Team. You will see a link below for resources to engage in or help organize an event for December.

Here are some of the things I noticed:

My resistance - I'm tired and think I need a break. SO I felt resistance before the conversation even began. As I listened I heard permission - no actually responsibility - to honestly assess for ourselves what we can contribute. I am not likely to be able or even inclined right at the moment to organize an even in December, but I want to keep my heart open. So I will pray every day for all that Standing Rock represents.

Accountability to native leadership - good questions were asked and appropriate information was provided to help folks know that the organizers are accountable to native leadership.  It may feel awkward or irritating to some, but it is so important to do.

Standing Rock is rippling throughout this country. Thank Goodnes, whether or not I am ready. One of the speakers said that the militarized treatment of Water Protectors has given the gift of letting the rest of the world know what native communities have been dealing with under the radar, all along. She also said that the movements building out from Standing Rock are a new tide of  extraordinary possibility. Possibility we have to respond to while it is here.

Spirituality is not a tactic or a strategy, said a woman who identified herself as registered with a tribe. "It is the way we live."  My reaction to her saying this, writing it down as important, tells me something. I do tell the story of Standing Rock, emphasizing again and again the power of constant and visible prayer there.  I witnessed that power as a phenomenon outside of my experience as a white Unitarian Universalist. I open my heart to learning from that. Stay tuned.

I am grateful for being able to share these thoughts, and for the thoughts you send back to me. And the prayers. Thank you.

Every day of December is designated as an action day to stand up for Standing Rock, and for the struggles of indigenous peoples' front line fight for environmental justice and sovereignty.

FROM Showing Up for Racial Justice - the Standing Rock Solidarity Team
Here is some information that was mentioned on the call last night that might be helpful for your planning.  We have coaches ready to support action planning so please get in touch!!



SURJ Midwest Organizer
SURJ Standing Rock Solidarity Team

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